My scrumptious nieces and nephews will always be the apples of my eyes; and especially around this season. It seems we can never find enough time nor enough innovative ways to enjoy fall's bountiful harvest.
Caramel Apple Recipe For Autumn Fun...Fall is forever my favorite of the four seasons when I'm home in Michigan, as it promises a splendid variety of conventional and unconventional ways to generously celebrate and satisfy my insatiable taste for the grannys, honeys (crisps of course), macs, pumpkin spice, squash, soups and so on ~ (I rhapsodize).
When I'm visiting my second home (NY) I'm like a beaming little one peering through the window of a FAO Swartz at Christmas time, salivating over whatever is gleaming back at me, (and with good reason). There are so many magnificently wonderful little bakeries serving up autumn's goodness, rolled into pastries. And Soho --- I beat her pavement, chilled-face tilted ever so slightly to the sky, soaking up whatever is left of the sun, in search of haute couture soups. Such an assortment from Tribecca's chefs, freshest ingredients from farmer's markets and lovingly ladled into their warmest purees (I pretend they're just for me). Cinnamon and spice evidence always seem to make it onto my chin as I scurry around enjoying the most creative assortments of server's faves before I pile my satisfied self back inside the limo and head to the hotel. Pumpkin stained napkins and bread crumbs from bistros tell the story best of how I licked spoons and slurped autumn's best until my heart was content, shamefully without even the slightest pomp, nor sophistication.
If you haven't savored your season's best, what are you waiting for? What's more, you'll discover that finding utterly irresistible ways to enjoy apples struedeled as pies with vanilla bean ice creams or drenched in the dreamiest creamiest caramel, is so worth a jaunt to your local bookstore's cookbook aisle for a tips and imagery. Better yet, find the closest cider mill or and put on your walkin' shoes. First will come the cider, then the doughnuts, then the cheeses, sausages and jams ~ oh my. Deliciously worth the drive, I assure you. I'm particularly enjoying Franklin, MI's warm rich variety of our season's nectar. This quaint spot is truly where I experience My Caramel Apple Recipe For Autumn Fun. Though when I can't make it, I'm literally chugging Hy's courtesy of Westborn or Western Markets ~ spiked with a cinnamon stick, some spiced Captain or a drizzle of DiSaronno and kissed with a dollop of homemade whipped cream. How you like dem apples?! So, what's your season's pleasure?
Request Our Best Caramel Sauce at @TamTheTasteMkr
Cane Sugar
Heavy Cream
Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla
DiSaRonno Amaretto
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